the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

europe's other potentially independent states

kosovo is not unique. in europe alone, there are 23 other potentially-independent states besides kosovo & metohia: scotland, united ireland, wales, brittany, galicia, andalusia, catalonia, basque country, flanders, wallonia, trentino south-tyrol, corse, sardinia, transdnistria, abkhazia, chechnya, north ossetia, nagomo karabakh, kurdistan, northern cypress, herzeg-bosnia, and the republic of srpska. if kosovo is allowed to illegally, illegitimately proclaim independence, in flagrant violation of international laws, then the domino effect of other countries that follow suit will have staggering consequences around the world. in fact, palestine has already threatened as much (ap). blogger's note: i don't remember where i got this map, but i saved it because it is so good. aleksandar mitic probably sent this out a while ago along with his atricle in the eurpopean voice. best quote: "kosovo albanians going ballistic if they do not get what they want only reinforces the argument that they are not ready for self-governance let alone statehood."

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