the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

Saturday, February 23, 2008

serbia's allies and adversaries

kosovo's declaration of separation from serbia violates the united nations charter, the the helsinki accords, and u.n. security council resolution 1244 (serbian unity congress). nevertheless, president bush "formally recognized kosovo as a sovereign and independent nation" (newsweek), senator clinton "supported the independence of kosovo" (you tube), and senator mccain has some seriously questionable connections with the american albanian lobby and the k.l.a. (shoqni/ only senator obama seems to be somewhat open-minded ( while france, germany, italy, denmark, taiwan, australia, and the u.k. have followed the lead of the u.s., spain, cyprus, romania, slovakia, indonesia, sri lanka, china, russia, and venezuela have sided with serbia (new york times/new york times/xinhua). read for yourself what venezuelan president hugo chavez and former canadian prime minister jean chretien had to say (uk guardian/canadian press). they clearly get it.

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