the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

the serbian librarian/СРПСКА БИБЛОТЕКАРКА

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

sf serb protest peaceful and positive

serbian-americans prostested the illegitimate declaration of independence in kosovo on sunday, 02.24.08. led by their children and their orthodox clergy, and joined by members of the russian-american community, they marched to the beat of a drum and a cowbell, singing traditional serbian songs and chanting "kosovo is serbia" and "long live serbia." they vowed to be obedient but vigilant and to continue their opposition to the illegitimate declaration of independence in kosovo. watch a video of the march and view photos from the rally.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

serbia's allies and adversaries

kosovo's declaration of separation from serbia violates the united nations charter, the the helsinki accords, and u.n. security council resolution 1244 (serbian unity congress). nevertheless, president bush "formally recognized kosovo as a sovereign and independent nation" (newsweek), senator clinton "supported the independence of kosovo" (you tube), and senator mccain has some seriously questionable connections with the american albanian lobby and the k.l.a. (shoqni/ only senator obama seems to be somewhat open-minded ( while france, germany, italy, denmark, taiwan, australia, and the u.k. have followed the lead of the u.s., spain, cyprus, romania, slovakia, indonesia, sri lanka, china, russia, and venezuela have sided with serbia (new york times/new york times/xinhua). read for yourself what venezuelan president hugo chavez and former canadian prime minister jean chretien had to say (uk guardian/canadian press). they clearly get it.

what secretary rice had to say about serbia

u.s. secretary of state condoleeza rice has said that serbia must "look forward," "move on," and do "what it needs to do" (voa). but the way she said it was completely offensive. "we believe that the resolution of kosovo's status will really, finally, let the balkans begin to put its terrible history behind it. I mean, after all, we're talking about something from 1389 - 1389! it's time to move forward" (sf chronicle). what the secretary fails to understand is that it is precisely because this conflict has raged for more than six centuries that orthodox serbs and muslim albanians may never be able to "move on".

other protests

besides the rally in san francisco on sunday, serbs will be rallying in washington dc, chicago, cleveland, phoenix, london, vienna, brussels, hague, aukland, and all over australia and canada (see this list for details). protests against kosovo's independence have already taken place in greece and germany (ap/msnbc).

okay, so they attacked big mac... was a symbollic gesture that was lost in light of the violent events that followed -- violent events that cannot be condoned. but in light of how unpopular america and her hypocritical policies and practices are around the world, it is not surprising that her institutions are at risk. (endnote: see a.p. story)

Friday, February 22, 2008

sf serbs to protest on sunday -- and i'll be one of them

To: stjohnsoc
Subject: Rally to Protest Against the Independence of Kosovo
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:55:34
From: pbunjevic

We are planning a support rally for our Serbian brothers and sisters in Kosovo to protest Against the Independence of Kosovo on Sunday - February 24, 2008 from 3PM to 4PM in San Francisco. We will meet at Powell and Market.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

europe's other potentially independent states

kosovo is not unique. in europe alone, there are 23 other potentially-independent states besides kosovo & metohia: scotland, united ireland, wales, brittany, galicia, andalusia, catalonia, basque country, flanders, wallonia, trentino south-tyrol, corse, sardinia, transdnistria, abkhazia, chechnya, north ossetia, nagomo karabakh, kurdistan, northern cypress, herzeg-bosnia, and the republic of srpska. if kosovo is allowed to illegally, illegitimately proclaim independence, in flagrant violation of international laws, then the domino effect of other countries that follow suit will have staggering consequences around the world. in fact, palestine has already threatened as much (ap). blogger's note: i don't remember where i got this map, but i saved it because it is so good. aleksandar mitic probably sent this out a while ago along with his atricle in the eurpopean voice. best quote: "kosovo albanians going ballistic if they do not get what they want only reinforces the argument that they are not ready for self-governance let alone statehood."

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